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It’s Time to Tune In — How I Broke That Has Officially Launched

The How I Broke That podcast has been long in the making, but we’re thrilled to say that our first episode has finally launched. It may have taken longer than we initially expected, but as we like to say, all good things must break and be put back together for the better at one point or another.

And that’s exactly how the launch of How I Broke That has gone. We took some extra time to take it apart and create something we’re truly proud of.

Episode 1: Breaking Good With Frida, Oprah, and Our Guest Arianna Davis

In this episode, we interview Arianna Davis, author of the best-selling book What Would Frida Do? We hear about her career journey, where she had to break the typical job path to find a role that fit her potential. We dove into her time working at Oprah, as well as what led her to write such a captivating, creatively-formed book.

We hear all about Frida Kahlo and the breakage she performed to better the treatment of women in Mexico and all around the world. We relate this information to our own lives — perhaps providing the very motivation you need to go on and break something for the better yourself.

More Breakage to Come

After watching or listening to our very first episode, be sure to leave a comment to let us know what you think. Follow along by subscribing to our page, so you don’t miss out on all of the inspirational stories of breakage we plan to share in the future.

You can find our first episode with Arianna Davis here, and a link to all future shows here. Perhaps you’re even interested in appearing on How I Broke That yourself, and we’d love to have you considered.

And lastly, thank you for following along throughout this journey. We’re confident How I Broke That will influence and inspire many, one broken piece at a time.

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